Relaxing Moments
Time Just for You


Nestled in the beautiful nature of Lake Pristava, our hotel is the perfect location for relaxation in nature, offering both hotel-based relaxation and activities nearby. Due to the hotel’s excellent location, you can reach all the important attractions of our region within minutes. From major cities, wine regions, and culinary providers to the landmarks of our area, as well as places for relaxation, hiking, and cycling.


Iz udobja povezani z naravo se boste sprostili v našem WELLNESSU, ki ob čudovitem pogledu na neokrnjeno naravo jezera Pristava ponuja, finsko in turško savno, masažni bazen, vodni postelji in prostor za počitek. Sproščujoče lahko pričnete ali zaključite čudovit dan.

Wellness je odprt med  15.septembrom do 15.junijem. V ostalem delu leta je zaprt.


In our Šiker Inn, we take you on a journey to our 200-year-old wine cellar, where the winemakers of our region reign. You’ll continue across the hill to Vodole, visiting the local winemakers and the Wine Fountain, just minutes away from the world’s oldest vine in Maribor. We guide you to wine cellars to the northwest, through Jarenina, all the way to Svečina, in the heart of the vineyards, and to the southeast to the wine region of Jeruzalem. With our recommendations, you’ll be warmly welcomed everywhere.


Slovenian Hills (slovenske gorice), rolling and green, pure and welcoming, are the perfect choice for experiencing and refreshing yourself. With our recommendations, we take you from the hills to Maribor, south to Ptuj, and all the way to Prekmurje in the east. For your wandering, we have prepared locations of natural landmarks, cultural heritage, and opportunities to relax in nature.

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