Wine Cellar

Now we descend into the depths of our inn and take you to the wine cellar, as we love to show you around our home, your home; though we won’t take you into the kitchen or the personal rooms. Instead, we’ll guide you to the cellar. Here, you and your group can experience wonderful moments over an aperitif. Upon prior arrangement, we can prepare special wine tastings featuring the best local winemakers. You will toast under the two-hundred-year-old arches of the wine cellar.

However, our inn has also become popular for cultural events. Publishers present their new releases in our “cultural space” within the wine cellar, writers share their books, actors stage plays, and musicians enhance programs with their performances. If we add the artwork on the walls of the inn, the guestbook signed by many actors, writers, painters, and other notable personalities, we can certainly speak of Šiker’s inn as a cultural hub. It’s no wonder that you’ll find it as the setting of some novels, and it’s certainly a staple in the selection of the best Slovenian inns.

Farmhouse Museum

In the Farmhouse Museum across the street, you can admire displays and tools from rural life in the past, specific to this part of Slovenske Gorice. Upon prior request, we can arrange a guided tour, and if you’re lucky, the enthusiastic collector Dedi Silvo himself may take you from one exhibit to another. Over five hundred exhibits are collected, covering orchard management, winemaking, agriculture, living culture, farm machinery, transportation, as well as cart-making, cooperage, and carpentry.


In the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, we sometimes need an embrace of nature and peace, even if only for a short time. With the beautiful view of Lake Pristava, the Šiker family offers you just that.
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